Thursday 11 February 2016

MyHDL Project #1: Two Counters with 2 to 1 Multiplexer

Recently, I had been studying MyHDL with Xilinx CoolRunner XC2C128 CPLD. MyHDL is a very good software. I can simply reuse my existing Python skills and get started quickly with HDL designs.

This is a MyHDL program that has two counter (fast and slow) that outputs square waves. The counters are being controlled by a rising edge clock signal coming from a square wave signal generator (on my experiment, I used a 555 timer on astable mode). It is then fed into a 2 to 1 mux. This is tested working with XC2C128, Xilinx ISE 14.7, and Bus Pirate as the programmer.

This is the resulting test bench waveforms (I modified the internal counters to 5 and 10)

Special Thanks to this Online Wave Viewer

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