Saturday 3 February 2018

Why TortoiseGit is so amazing

I had been using Git for a very long time and this is the best version control system that I ever used. In the past, I used centralized version control system: CVS, SVN, Visual SourceSafe, and TFS.  I heavily use TortoiseGit and I use git bash only if the feature isn't there on TortoiseGit . I also develop in Linux and I used Samba share drive or VirtualBox network share to be able to access my source code outside of Linux, so that I could use TortoiseGit on my codes.

Here is how Git changed my development style and quality of my code:
  • Personal code review before committing - In TortoiseGit, it is very easy to see the diff of your current code change and the last commit via the included UI diff tool (I also use an external tool called WinMerge which is more faster). This diff will direct me to the exact place where I did my modification and this gives me a chance to have a second look if I accidentally forget or misplace something like reverting some debug compilation symbols that shouldn't be on production release.

    I noticed that git bash users (at least from the people that I know of) never do personal code reviews before committing and I think it is because it is not very straightforward to do so like in Tortoisegit. There was a project in my previous company where the developer unintentionally added a code which made the software release very unstable. They found out that some test snippets were included on the commit. A quick review of the software before commit will save tons of headaches.
  • Stash - I love this feature. This helps me move through different git branches without committing my modified file and instead stash saving it and popping it out if I need to continue working on the modified files.
  • Reviewing codes from other committers - It is very easy to review code from other committers via git log compare revision on TortoiseGit. This helps me review other developers work.
  • Revert on TortoiseGit - whenever I do code review, and if I see that some of the codes needs to go back to its original state, I can just simple do a revert on the commit windows dialog box of TortoiseGit. 
  • Very easy to merge codes
  • Bisect - I used this only once. But bisect feature is very impressive.
  • Distributed- being distributed is a very very very very very good thing. I commit often and sometimes, I don't have an internet connection. With this, I can commit anytime and once I have an internet connection, then that's the time I can push to the git server.

These are the things that I really like  in TortoiseGit which I had been using for many years. It is very simple and yet powerful.

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