Saturday 6 August 2016

FreeRTOS on Renesas RX62N

Just recently, I would like to learn VxWorks. But with the cost of the license, I turned to FreeRTOS. I saw that it supports Renesas RX62N and luckily, I have the development kit.

I downloaded the latest software for Renesas RX62N (HEW,Segger, and other toolchain) as well as updating the GCC compiler. Then I used the information here

After opening the project on folder FreeRTOSv9.0.0\FreeRTOS\Demo\RX600_RX62N-RDK_GNURX , I was able to start working with it and was able to create tasks, implement mutexes,etc easily.  I would say that it is almost the same with the MQX RTOS that I previously used in one of the RF products that I was involved with (except for the API syntax).

All my experiments are located here:

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